LJ The Medium represents Mrs. Italy at Universal Petite!
LJ The Medium wins 2nd runner up and Spirit Award at Universal Petite representing Mrs. Italy 2024!!
LJ The Medium wins 2nd runner up and Spirit Award at Universal Petite representing Mrs. Italy 2024!!
What an HONOR to be featured in a 6 PAGE spread in Pageantry Magazine!! THIS IS HUGE! I love that I got to interview with the amazing Carl Dunn and share my story as your AMP - American Miss Pageant National Mrs. Queen. To my directors Brenda & Emily — Being a titleholder has been a dream come true! This experience has been everything! Thank you for all you do! Love you! Second magazine publication in a week for this Queen with one bean!!! I feel so blessed!! Thank you all for your love & support! The best is yet to come!! ❤️LJ— American Miss National Mrs. 2024 I’m loving LJ 10.0!! Check out the full magazine— https://www.pageantrymagazine.com/.../pageantr.../index.html Join us in November and represent your state! https://americanmisspageant.com
Check out your Queen with One Bean AKA LJ THE MEDIUM in the latest Fall Edition of iPain Living Magazine at www.ipainliving.org Available in print & digital! Still can’t believe that’s me on the cover!! Happy reading & wishing you all a pain-free life! ❤️LJ
OMG looks who’s featured in P.O.W.E.R MAGAZINE!! ⭐️ Your Queen with 1 bean aka LJ The Medium!! What an opportunity to share my story, strength, spirit & believing in second chances alongside other beautiful souls like Jane Seymour!!!! Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized— I’m in Awe. I’ll keep on saying it!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!! 💖LJ THE MEDIUM ljthemedium.com Summer Issue 2024 ⭐️ https://www.powerwoe.com/power-magazine-summer-2024-issue/ PS— Check out my healthy burrito bowl recipe on page 45!
LJ The Medium aka Mrs. New York is your new American Miss National Mrs. Queen 2024!!!!